Customize your app’s onboarding

Tailor your app's onboarding experience to reflect your brand's personality.


  1. Log in to your Per Diem merchant dashboard.
  2. Select the "App Customization" tab from the left menu.
  3. From the app template, hit "Customize" to begin personalizing your onboarding screens.
  4. On the left sidebar, choose "Onboarding Setup" under the "Other Elements" tab.
  5. If you don't have an image, select one from our suggested categories.
  6. Toggle "Show this slide during my app's onboarding process" to turn its visibility on and add your chosen image.
  7. Scroll down after adding the image and include a custom heading and description.
  8. Follow the same process to customize the other two onboarding screens.
  9. Hit "Save" to save all the updates.
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Show This Slide

Control the visibility of your customized slide during onboarding:

Step 1

Toggle "Show this slide during my app's onboarding process" to turn its visibility on and add your chosen image.

Customize Your Text

Inject your brand voice into the onboarding experience:

Step 1

Scroll down after adding the image and include a custom heading and description.

Complete Customization and Hit Save

Wrap up your onboarding customization and ensure all updates are saved:

Step 1

Follow the same process to customize the other two onboarding screens.

Step 2

Hit "Save" to save all the updates.

Check out this article to know in-depth what app customization features the app offers.