Create and send push notifications

With push notification system, you're not just sending messages; you're creating opportunities to connect, inform, and enhance the overall customer experience.


  1. Log in to your Per Diem merchant dashboard.
  2. From the left sidebar of your merchant dashboard, select "Marketing."
  3. Choose "Push Notifications" from the marketing options.
  4. Click on "Create a Notification" at the top right corner of the screen.
  5. Select the target audience or customer group.
  6. Set the delivery time for your notification.
  7. Compose a subject line that grabs attention.
  8. Write a concise and engaging push notification message.
  9. Preview your notification before sending it.
  10. Finalize the process by hitting the "Send" button.
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Choose and Add All the Details

Customize the reach and timing of your push notification:

Step 1

Select the target audience or customer group.

Step 2

Set the delivery time for your notification.

Compose Your Message

Craft a compelling message for your audience:

Step 1: Compose a subject line that grabs attention.

Step 2: Write a concise and engaging push notification message.

Preview Notification

Ensure your message resonates effectively:

Step 1

Preview your notification before sending it.

Hit Send

Step 1

Finalize the process by hitting the "Send" button.