A guide to user management in Per Diem

Take charge of your team's access levels and streamline your operations with ease.


  1. Log in to your Per Diem merchant dashboard.
  2. From the left sidebar of your dashboard, click on "Settings."
  3. Within Settings, locate the "User Management" option.
  4. Click on "New" to add a new team member.
  5. Provide all necessary user details.
  6. Select the location(s) the user will have access to.
  7. Hit "Save" to confirm the changes.
  8. From the User Management interface, you can edit user details, resend invitations, or remove users as needed.
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Fill in the Details

Customize access and permissions with precision:

Step 1

Provide all necessary user details.

Step 2

Select the location(s) the user will have access to.

Step 3

Hit "Save" to confirm the changes.

Manage User Permissions

Stay in control with flexible user management options:

Step 1

From the User Management interface, you can edit user details, resend invitations, or remove users as needed.

With Per Diem, managing user access and permissions is a breeze. Take charge of your team's access levels and streamline your operations with ease.