Hiring issues: How to retain talent

78% of restaurants spend more than $2,000 on training new employees (2024 State of Restaurants Report).

Hiring skilled workers is critical to any company's success. However, the hiring process can be complex and time-consuming. By streamlining recruitment procedures and strengthening your employer brand, you can attract top talent and assemble an exceptional team.

Streamlined recruitment

Begin by evaluating your current hiring process to identify any inefficiencies. Consider using applicant tracking software to organize candidates and automate administrative tasks. Be strategic in where you post job listings to reach qualified applicants. For entry-level roles, try networking with local schools and training programs. For more senior positions, use professional networks and headhunters.

68% of Americans utilize the DoorDash online ordering application, as per the 2023 Diner Trends Report.

Employer branding

Your employer brand conveys your mission and values to candidates. Cultivate a compelling brand by emphasizing a meaningful company culture, opportunities for growth, andwork-life balance. Feature photos of your team and workspace on your website and job postings. Ask employees to share their experience on websites like Glassdoor. Strong employer branding attracts like-minded individuals and boosts retention.

Interview best practices

Conduct structured interviews focused on key competencies and soft skills. Ask open-ended questions to assess critical thinking. Have multiple team members interview top candidates to gain different perspectives. Make the interview experience reflective of your company culture. For example, give candidates a tour of your facilities or have them shadow an employee.

Offer competitive compensation and benefits

Providing compensation and benefits that meet or exceed industry standards is key to attracting and retaining top talent. Stay up to date with trends in pay, paid time off, retirement plans, andother benefits. While cost is a concern, investing in your employees will benefit your business in the long run through increased productivity, motivation, and loyalty. Competitive compensation also reinforces your employer's brand and gives candidates another reason to pursue career opportunities with your company.

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