Drive customer engagement through gamification features

Gamification has been proven to boost customer retention by an impressive 30%, making it a highly effective tool for keeping customers engaged and coming back.

Gamification features like a spin-the-wheel offer an innovative way to boost customer engagement and spending.

Leveraging game design principles

By tapping into basic psychological motivations and rewards, you can incentivize customers to engage more frequently with your app and spend more per visit. Features like a spin-the-wheel use variable reward schedules that keep customers coming back for more.

The thrill of a variable prize

The chance to win an unknown prize, like a free drink, snack, or loyalty points, triggers the release of dopamine which makes the experience exciting and pleasurable. This, in turn, forms a habit loop and conditions customers to continue spinning the wheel.

Gamification drives increased customer lifetime value

Over time, the rewards and points earned from spinning the wheel or participating in other gamified features translate into dollars spent at your restaurant. Customers may save up points to redeem for a free meal, for example. They are also more prone to make additional purchases to gain more spins or level up.

While technology like digital menus and mobile apps plays a crucial role in boosting customer engagement, AI-driven gamification allows for better engagement with purchases and increases value creation. Features that tap into basic human motivations have been shown to increase customer spend over 20-100% per transaction.

To implement an effective spin-the-wheel feature, start by determining the types of rewards you want to offer that align with your brand and customer base. Keep prizes balanced and the program simple to understand. Promote the new feature through social media, email marketing, and in-store signage. Analyze user data and metrics to optimize the experience and level of rewards. A successful spin-the-wheel feature, when part of a larger loyalty strategy, can significantly impact your bottom line by driving customer engagement and loyalty.

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