Setting up auto busy mode from your dashboard

Manage busy periods efficiently and ensure smoother operations directly from your Per Diem dashboard.


  1. Log in to your Per Diem merchant dashboard.
  2. From the left menu bar, choose "Operational Times" under the "Operations" section.
  3. In the Busy Mode section, click on the "Set Up Busy Mode" button.
  4. Choose the minimum number of orders required to trigger the busy mode.
  5. Select the time frame during which you want the busy mode to be displayed to customers.
  6. Choose the locations where you want the busy mode to be active.
  7. Click "Save" to apply your changes.

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Select the Time Frame

Determine when the busy mode should be active:

Step 1

Select the time frame during which you want the busy mode to be displayed to customers.

Select Locations and Hit Save

Finalize and apply your settings:

Step 1

Choose the locations where you want the busy mode to be active.

Step 2

Click "Save" to apply your changes.