Set up your app's hero background theme

Customize the look and feel of your app by tweaking the hero background.


  1. Log in to your Per Diem merchant dashboard.
  2. Select the "App Customization" tab from the left menu.
  3. From the app template, hit "Customize" to access customization features.
  4. Choose the "Hero Background" dropdown tab in the app sections under the "Blocks" section.
  5. Turn on the "Solid Background" option.
  6. Adjust the color from the palette under it.
  7. Under the solid background option, adjust the text color to match your hero background. Keep it visible and appealing.
  8. Turn on the option under the text tab to add a custom image background.
  9. Upload your image file from the saved files.
  10. After making all the changes, hit "Save" on the top right to update your app's appearance.
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Adjust Your App's Background Color

Set the tone with a solid background color:

Step 1

Turn on the "Solid Background" option.

Step 2

Adjust the color from the palette under it.

Choose the Text Color

Ensure readability with a complementary text color:

Step 1

Under the solid background option, adjust the text color to match your hero background. Keep it visible and appealing.

Add Image Background

Infuse personality with a custom image background instead of the solid brand color:

Step 1

Turn on the option under the text tab to add a custom image background.

Step 2

Upload your image file from the saved files.

Customize and Save

Finalize your hero background settings and save your updates:

Step 1

After making all the changes, hit "Save" on the top right to update your app's appearance.