Enable multiple locations in the app

Managing multiple locations is a breeze with Per Diem & Square


  1. Log in to your Per Diem merchant dashboard.
  2. On the left, select the Operations dropdown.
  3. Choose the "Locations" option.
  4. Toggle the button associated with each location to turn its visibility on or off.
  5. A box will appear asking for your confirmation.
  6. Hit "Yes" to confirm and save the changes to the location.

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Select "YES"

After toggling the visibility button, a confirmation box will appear. To save the changes made to the location, follow these steps:

Step 1

A box will appear asking for your confirmation.

Step 2

Hit "Yes" to confirm and save the changes to the location.

There You Go!

Congratulations! You've successfully enabled another location for your customers. Now, they can place orders or schedule pickups through your app at the enabled locations. 

Check out this article to manage your multi-unit store effortlessly.