Effortless inventory management


  1. Log in to your Per Diem merchant dashboard.
  2. From the left sidebar of your dashboard, click on "Items."
  3. Choose the item you want to mark as out of stock from the list.
  4. Click on the three dots located in the black banner that appears below the item.
  5. Select "Mark as out of stock."
  6. After selecting "Mark as out of stock," choose the locations where the item should be displayed as out of stock from the locations dropdown.
  7. Hit "Save" to confirm the changes.
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Mark Items as Out of Stock

Keep your inventory updated with ease:

Step 1

Choose the item you want to mark as out of stock from the list.

Step 2

Click on the three dots located in the black banner that appears below the item.

Step 3

Select "Mark as out of stock."

Select Locations

Tailor your inventory status to specific locations:

Step 1

After selecting "Mark as out of stock," choose the locations where the item should be displayed as out of stock from the locations dropdown.

Step 2

Hit "Save" to confirm the changes.

With our intuitive dashboard, managing your inventory and ensuring accurate stock levels has never been simpler.