How Palace Coffee Co. Achieved a 25% Sales Increase By Switching to Per Diem


increase in app store views


increase in app downloads


increase in app sessions


increase in app store views


increase in app downloads


increase in app sessions


Have you ever wondered how a local coffee shop can compete with big chains and boost sales in today's digital age? Palace Coffee Co., a beloved Texas-based roastery, faced this challenge head-on. By partnering with Per Diem, Palace Coffee has achieved a remarkable 25% increase in net sales year-over-year. This case study explores how embracing technology and prioritizing customer engagement transformed Palace Coffee's business. You'll discover their strategies and how Per Diem's intuitive interface was crucial to their success. Get ready to uncover valuable insights that could revolutionize your business approach.

Palace Coffee Co. Brews Up Success with Per Diem

Poppinpay to Per Diem: Their Key to Growth

Palace Coffee Co., a local roastery with multiple locations in Texas, has found the perfect blend for business success. By partnering with Per Diem in 2024 after shifting from Poppinpay, they've seen their sales percolate to new heights. In just a month after shifting to Per Diem, Palace Coffee experienced a remarkable increase in net sales, with a $3,000 boost. This impressive growth can be attributed to the app's user-friendly interface and innovative loyalty features.

Engaging Customers

Per Diem has become an essential ingredient in Palace Coffee's customer engagement strategy. With a 5-star app rating and glowing reviews on the Apple App Store, it's clear that customers are sipping up what Per Diem is serving. The app's sleek design and visually appealing interface have made it a hit among coffee enthusiasts. Palace Coffee leverages Per Diem's loyalty program to keep customers coming back, offering 5 points for app downloads, 25 points for first orders, and enticing referral bonuses.

An Intuitive App Leads to a 25% Increase in Sales

Palace Coffee Co.'s switch to the Per Diem app yielded impressive results, with a 24.9% increase in net sales from July 2023 to July 2024. This significant boost can be attributed to the app's user-friendly interface and robust loyalty features.

Seamless User Experience

Per Diem's intuitive design garnered praise from users, evident in its perfect 5-star rating on the Apple App Store. With over 80 glowing reviews in less than 3 months, customers consistently highlighted the app's visual appeal and ease of use.

Loyalty Program that Pays Off

The app's engagement features played a crucial role in driving sales. Palace Coffee Co. implemented a points system that rewards customers from the start:

  • 5 points for app download
  • 25 additional points on the first order
  • 10 Referral bonus points for both referrer and referee

This strategy not only incentivized initial downloads but also encouraged repeat business and word-of-mouth marketing.

By leveraging its new app's capabilities, Palace Coffee successfully enhanced customer engagement and loyalty, translating directly into increased revenue. The combination of an accessible platform and strategic rewards program proved to be a winning formula for this community-minded coffee shop.

Creating a Loyal Following with Rewards

Incentivizing Customer Engagement

Palace Coffee Co. has mastered the art of customer loyalty through its strategic rewards program. By offering 5 points for app downloads and an additional 25 points for first orders, they've created an irresistible incentive for customers to engage with their digital platform. This clever approach not only encourages initial interaction but also sets the stage for long-term customer relationships.

The Power of Referrals

Taking their loyalty program a step further, Palace Coffee Co. implements a dual-sided referral system. Both the referrer and the referee receive rewards, creating a win-win situation that naturally expands their customer base. This approach taps into the power of word-of-mouth marketing, turning satisfied customers into brand ambassadors.

Responding to Customer Feedback

Palace Coffee Co. has responded proactively to customer reviews within their app. They have made it a top priority to respond to every positive and negative review in a thoughtful, helpful way. This demonstrates their commitment to customers and sets the tone for an ongoing dialogue to improve products and services. By promptly addressing issues and sincerely thanking customers for positive feedback, Palace Coffee Co. has shown that they truly value customer opinions and want to build trust through transparency and action.

Final Thoughts

As you've seen, Palace Coffee Co.'s success with Per Diem demonstrates the power of a user-friendly, feature-rich mobile app for local businesses. By leveraging Per Diem's loyalty program, referral system, and intuitive interface, Palace Coffee achieved an impressive 25% increase in net sales year-over-year. The overwhelmingly positive App Store reviews further validate the app's effectiveness in enhancing customer experience. For coffee shops and similar local businesses looking to boost sales and customer engagement, Per Diem offers a proven solution. By following Palace Coffee's example and embracing digital tools that prioritize user experience and loyalty, you too can achieve significant growth and foster a stronger connection with your community.