Social media buzz

Share your delicious offerings with your fans on social media. Let your customers spread the word and make your eatery famous online. It's more than just food; it's a shared experience.


App Sneak Peeks

Tease upcoming app features and promotions on your social media channels, generating excitement and anticipation.


Interactive Stories

Use Instagram's interactive features. Start 'Engage Tuesdays' with interactive polls, asking your followers what new app feature they'd like to see next or letting them choose their favorite app-exclusive item or feature.


App Challenges

Challenge your social media followers to participate in fun app-related challenges, where they can win rewards for spreading the word.


Coffee Art Challenges

If you're big on TikTok get creative with app engagement! Run weekly challenges where users can win app points or discounts by showcasing their coffee art on TikTok.


Showcase App Specials

Make them crave daily specials. Highlight one app-exclusive special every week on TikTok, attracting followers to download the app. Post your TikToks on Instagram Reels. Repurpose!


Get The Pinterest Power

Create Pinterest boards and show off your menu items, app benefits and behind-the-scenes glimpses through captivating pins that pique curiosity and drive more app downloads.


Influencer Partnerships

Let local influencers spill the beans. Partner with them, granting exclusive access to your app perks, so they can spotlight your app's advantages and exclusive offers.