Use advanced push notifications to drive repeat business

Drive repeat business and keep your inactive customers engaged with advanced push notifications.


  1. Log in to your Per Diem merchant dashboard.
  2. From the marketing dropdown, select "Push Notifications."
  3. Choose the advanced push notifications dropdown below order status notifications.
  4. Use the advanced push notification feature to recover abandoned carts.
  5. Utilize advanced push notifications to re-engage lapsed purchasers.
  6. Customize notifications to drive purchases from users who signed up but have yet to make a purchase.
  7. Hit "Save" after customizing your advanced push notifications.
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Recover an Abandoned Cart

Prompt customers who left items in their cart to complete their purchase:

Step 1

Use the advanced push notification feature to recover abandoned carts.

Bring Back Lapsed Purchasers

Win back customers who haven't made a recent purchase:

Step 1

Utilize advanced push notifications to re-engage lapsed purchasers.

Drive Purchase After Sign Up

Encourage new customers to purchase after signing up:

Step 1

Customize notifications to drive purchases from users who signed up but have yet to make a purchase.

Hit Save After Customizing

Ensure your changes are applied and saved for effective push notifications:

Step 1

Hit "Save" after customizing your advanced push notifications.