Complete guide to promoting and enhancing visibility for your items

Boost sales by promoting individual items on your app.


  1. Log in to your Per Diem merchant dashboard.
  2. From the left sidebar of your merchant dashboard, select "Items."
  3. Choose any item listed under the "All Items" column.
  4. After selecting the desired item, click on "Promote Item" from the bar that appears below.
  5. Select the desired item from the list.
  6. Click on the three dots in the black banner that appears below.
  7. Select "Add Product Tags" and input tags, separating multiple tags with commas.
  8. Hit "Save" to apply and save the tags.
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No items found.

Item Is Promoted

Witness increased visibility for your chosen item.

Add Product Tags

Give your items a tag for a better spotlight:

Step 1

Select the desired item from the list.

Step 2

Click on the three dots in the black banner that appears below.

Add Details

Spruce up your item with relevant tags:

Step 1

Select "Add Product Tags" and input tags, separating multiple tags with commas.

Step 2

Hit "Save" to apply and save the tags.